SOFT CENTRE and BIG BOYS START OF WINTER McGREGOR MAYHEM Not having endured the personnel attack by FRIZZY LIZZY very well last week, MCTAF is now subcontracting notes out to a range of hashers. This will continue until to do so until he regains his confidence and his Psychiatrist says its okay to start writing again. And so. We fronted up to Chateau BIG BOY, had the usual conflab regarding the placement of the fire bucket, moaned about the mozzies, jockied the grog bucket around a bit and settled in for a nice evening of social intercourse and repartee with a bunch of like minded humans. (Stand fast GERBILS) Not unlike last week where we had the two GREASE NIPPLES doing the chalk talk, this week we had SOFT CENTRE relaying the run / walk instructions whilst making it look like BIG BOY was actually doing the talking. The word "Gerwurtztramminer" wasn't mentioned once. The GM, now wearing a "virtual" sympathy sling, got the pack on their merry way. 10 male runners and about 30 elite walkers. The walk went very well. And, despite almost accidently wandering into "Charny" on several occasions, got to the drink stop just as BIG BOY rocked up in the truck and started to dole out Stalag Luft sized portions of a delightful Gluevine. Roundly condemned as the best Gluevine in a generation. The chip saga continued, this week, not running out, but portion controlled in favour of the running pack. (BIG BOY, your running days are well and truly over mate, there is no reason to suck up to the runners!!!!) And so, the run, as reported by DISTEMPER, was a little sparse in the "markings department. So sparse that the runners all chipped in for a bag of flour just in case SOFT CENTRE and BIG BOY had forgotten what it looked like. The run itself was notable for its peacefulness in the absence of any H-WODs (Hashers With Out Dicks). The trail had the runnners flirting around the border with the off limits suburb of CHARNWOOD. DISTEMPER was in full flight giving one of the greatest run reports of all time when the RA cut him off in mid sentence and told him to STFU. ! COUNT HER FEET, in all of her unintelligable Fijian Indian glory, kept us entertained/confused/guessing for a time, with her account of the walk, or maybe she was just telling us about her forthcoming trip to Canada, who can tell?? and yet we love her and applaud her for "just having a go". The GM, got the circle proper underway and immediately charged M.T.P.Y. and SCARLETT with abysmal fire lighting. This does not bode well for a long cold winter without the expertise of MIXO. The VVRs were welcomed. Of note:the return of EGOTESTICLES and DISTEMPER. Late cummers: EGO, WXMAN, FRISKIES and FRANK SPENCER. Charges of note: DT and HF wanted to know what decade it is in Tasmania?? CRYING DICK paying for subs with a chip bag of Five cent coins, DISTEMPER: running for Chocolate, not beer. The spectacle of watching COUNT HER FEET trying to down down a glass of water whilst wearing the sleeve got to much for DDHDave, INFALLABLE and CROCODILDO who repaired to the garden wall and were heard discussing a run they all did in Jakarta back in the forties. The three of them were then seen compairing the latest in blue tooth compatable colostomy bags. GERBILS gave the FRB award to EGO - Welcome back Cracker of the week was given to HORNY RHINO for cracking the 10min:40sec / Kilometre mark. Go you good thing. Anniversaries: McTrash 130, CRASH & BURN 30, DANGLES 70, FRANK SPENCER 20, PARTY PIE 240, RAMBO 180 and GNASH for lots. Note: This record of the evenings proceedings is as accurate as is humanly possible.....And has only been altered, a bit, to protect the author from class actions in the future. Notes by FRIZZY LIZZY, Ghost written by GERBILS from the original script by McTrash, from an idea by A, Gispert. Good health to you all.